W Writing Intensive - W Writing Intensive courses require a grade of "C" or higher. A total of 12 hours are required in the Gen Ed package: six hours in Communications, and six hours from other categories of the Gen Ed program as per state rule 6A-10.030.
N International or D Diversity - N International courses address international topics and issues to help students develop knowledge of global conditions and issues, awareness of different world views, and understanding of and respect for cultural diversity and differences. D Diversity courses address social and cultural differences within the United States, especially as related to issues of race, gender identity, class, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, (dis)abilities, and their intersections. Completion of at least one N International or D Diversity course is required in the Gen Ed package.
C Civic Literacy - Per state rule 6A-10.02413 AMH2020 or POS1041 must be completed as part of the state C Civic Literacy Competency requirement.